In a Maintenance Analysis, we are very much concerned about the reliability of various functioning components in the systems, the system safety associated with production, by reliability, the ability of the system to function as planned. Once a component failure occurs in the system, it may affect the whole system, and the production cannot be continued anymore. The Maintenance personnel require the knowledge to communicate with each other for technical troubleshooting, identification of the faulty state, for seeking the (root) cause, and for finding out the solution or method to restore the failure.
At the end of the course the participants will be able to:
- Describe what makes an effective troubleshooting.
- Collect evidence to review the fault symptoms.
- Decide which system/component to check.
- Draw excellent block diagrams that characterise a sub-system.
- Isolate the faulty component/system.
- Suggest fixing methods.
- Ensure the root cause is addressed
- Close out the problem effectively.
- Review performance and keep improving
The course will be conducted in an integrated approach whereby applied theory will be followed by practical exercises. Participants will be given hands-on practical exercises in identifying components.
The duration of the course is 2 days.
Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to participants who have successfully completed the course.
Technical Troubleshooting and decision Making is a team activity consists of Managers, Equipment Engineers, Supervisors and Maintenance Technicians (mechanical, Electrical and instrument disciplines) to participate in it.
Also, for those who are in operations would like to acquire an understanding of how the quality of the maintenance activities affects their equipment function.
Module 1
Understanding Problems
- Autonomy of problems
- Sporadic vs chronic failures
- Impact of problems
- Categories of failures
- Failure consequences
- Current problem solving approaches
Module 2
Troubleshooting Techniques
- Using the right tools
- use of diagnostic instruments
- use of mechanical drawings
- use of circuit diagrams
- use of standards
Module 3
Physical troubleshooting
- using the five senses
- why-why analysis
- Mind mapping process
- P-M analysis
- autonomy of chronic problems
- 8 steps of P-M analysis
Module 4
Failure Classification
- Identification of failures
- Sporadic vs chronic failures
- Understanding the critical 6 Losses
- 6 patterns of failures
Module 5
Maintenance Assurance
- Cause analysis
- Consequence analysis
Module 6
Pareto Diagrams
- The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)
- Uses of Pareto Diagrams
- Classifications of Data
- Constructing a Pareto Diagram
Module 7
Perform Root Cause Analysis
- Step 1: Observe or collect the relevant data.
- Step 2: Analyze the data and look for relationships
- Step 3: Identify Possible Causal Factors
- 5 Whys – Ask “Why?”
- Step 4: Identify the Root Cause
- Step 5: Recommend and Implement Solution
Module 8
Decision Making Steps
- Maintenance “a reliability function”
- Importance of good decision making
- The decision making process
- 6 key points for effective decision making
- Maintenance Strategies
- Diagnostic Tools
- Create Maintenance Standards
- Create checklist
- Create Maintenance procedures