Companies can no longer hope that the right talent will fall into place. Talent planning must be a crucial part of any long and short-range business planning. Talent management is a continuous process that plans talent needs, builds an image to attract and retain the very best.
Good succession planning is critical for all organisations to ensure as little disruption as possible as a result of resignations, promotions or factors beyond the organisation’s control.
The participant will learn:-
- The business reasons for talent management and succession planning
- How to make Talent Management a Strategic Business Priority
- The Foundation for a Talent Program
- The Identification of High Potential People
- Talent Planning and organizing
- Talent Recruitment: Recruitment and Assessment
- The Development The Top Talent
- Talent Retention and Engagement
- HR Managers and Senior Management Team
- Maximum 20 pax
- 2 Days
- Power Points 30 %
- Case studies
- Interactive Group Discussions
- Question and Answers
Module 1 – Introduction to Talent Management
- Talent Management V Succession Planning
- What is talent
- Who are the talented people
- The Global Business Environment
- The war for talent
- The business case for talent management
- How the Talent World has Changed
- Principles of Talent Management
- Talent Management – Opportunities and Challenges
- Current Trends in Talent Management
- Myths about Talent Management
- Key questions for Policy Makers
- The Changing Role of the Human Resources Professionals
- Common HR Issues in modern days
Module 2 – Understanding Talent Management
- Understand the current and future business context
- Critical Elements of Attracting and Retaining Top Talent
- Key phases for implementing a talent management program
Module 3 – Talent Planning and organizing
- Assess organization readiness and preparedness
- How to identify Talent Focus
- The importance of defining Competency
- How to determine criteria for measurement
- How to conduct a Talent Audit
Module 4 – Talent Recruitment: Recruitment and Assessment
- Strategies to attract talents
- Develop assessment tools and scales.
- Develop competency definitions and measurement scales.
- Establish a performance appraisal definition and measurement scale.
- Establish a “talent potential forecast” definition and measurement scale.
- Hiring the right candidates
Module 5 – Talent Development
- Develop talent:
- Talent Readiness Training
- Career Development & Training
- Performance Management
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Determine training and development application tools.
- Evaluate each employee using assessment tools
Module 6 – Talent Retention and Engagement
- Strategies to retain talent
- Competitive pay and long-term incentives
- Career Planning
- Flexible working arrangements
- Talent Culture
- Drivers of retention
- Monitor Progress and Measure Results
Module 7 – Engagement and Career Planning
- What is career planning?
- The approaches to career planning
- How to use the assessment tool: the 9-box grid?
- The main components of career management system
- The roles of employee, superior and organization in career planning
- The Generational Differences
- How to leverage on the generational differences?
- The difference between engagement and satisfaction
- Factors influencing employee engagement
- Methods of engaging employee
- How superior can help to drive engagement
Module 8
- Checklists
- Templates