All electrical / electronic equipment or machine have Power Supply Circuit to supply or deliver the power to related circuit such as main board, control board and display board. They have two types of Power Supply:
- Linear Power Supply ( LPS)
- Switch Mode Power Supply ( SMPS)
Nowadays, most of electronic equipments in Medical equipments, Industrial equipments, Telecommunication equipments, Laboratory equipments, computers System and AV equipments using Switch Mode Power Supply Technologies compare to Linear Power Supply due to Power efficiency and prizing of product.
Based on our data collection in maintenance history of equipment repair, more than 70% of machines malfunction because of power supply fault. Since, most of electrical / electronic equipment using the SMPS technology, Engineers and Technicians shall have skill and knowledge to identify, troubleshoot, verify and repair the SMPS technologies. It will reduce huge of maintenance budget by perform in-house repair related to power supply faulty of equipment.
SMPS problems identification Troubleshooting and repair technique-
Will expose the participants on:
- Application of SMPS in various Industry
- Identify structure and specification of SMPS
- Generates basic block diagram of SMPS
- Understand SMPS operation
- Generates Safety Procedures ,Testing & Verification of SMPS
- Identify SMPS Problems
- Verify SMPS Problems area
- Testing and verify component fault
- Replace component fault.
- Apply SMPS Repair technique to any type of biomedical equipment
By implementation of this technique, participants will identify SMPS problems and repair the faults. It will generates cost saving by perform In-house repair and reduce repair delay time.
To equipped the participants on:
- Structure of SMPS component
- Basic block diagram of SMPS
- SMPS basic operation
- Wiring of SMPS Test Point
- Application of Test Equipment : DMM, Scope Meter , LCR Meter &
Huntron Tracker
- Safety procedure ,Testing & Verification of SMPS
- SMPS common Problems and symptom
- Testing and verify component
- Replacement of component fault.
- Equipment Repair Centre
- Maintenance Department
- Production Department
- Service department
Participants will be able to:
- Identify structure of SMPS component
- Generates basic block diagram of SMPS
- Understand SMPS operation
- Generates Safety Procedures ,Testing & Verification of SMPS
- Identify SMPS Problems
- Verify SMPS Problems area
- Testing and verify component fault
- Replace component fault.
- Apply SMPS Repair technique to any type of electrical / electronic equipment
Day 1
- Introduction to Switching Mode Power Supply Technologies in Manufacturing, Telecommunication, Computer system and Healthcare Industry
- Theory / Info : Introduction to Switch Mode Power Supply
- SMPS vs Linear
- SMPS Technical Specifications
- SMPS Basic Topologies
- Theory / Info : SMPS Basic Block diagram & Circuit Function
- AC Filter
- Primary DC Filter
- High Frequency Inverter
- IC Power Management / IC PWM /Opto Coupler / Soft Start
- Auxiliary Power
- Secondary DC Filter
- IC Regulator / DC-DC Converter
- DC Filter
- Voltage Reference -if available
- DC Output
- Safety & Guide : Demo: SMPS Testing and Verify status
- Preparation before SMPS Testing & Safety guideline
- SMPS Data collection and Verify status
- Practical 1 : Generate SMPS Basic Block Diagram
- Practical 2 : Identify major components on SMPS
- Practical 3 : Identify wiring test point , Testing and Verify Status of SMPS
- AC Input
- Primary DC Output
- Voltage Drain / D-S
- IC PWM Voltage Reference –If available
- PWM Output Frequency / Gate Frequency of Mosfet
- Voltage Control IC / VCC /VFB/Soft Start
- Secondary DC
- IC Regulator or DC/DC Converter Output –if available
- DC Output
Day 2
- Practical 4 : SMPS Board Repair (OFF Supply)
- PCB Repair Session
- Short Open Test using Digital Multi meter
- Voltage bias check using Digital Multi meter
- Verify Component status using Digital Multi meter / Huntron Tracker / LCR Meter
- Fuse
- Thermistor
- Suppression Capacitor
- Suppression Inductor
- Bridge Rectifier
- Diode
- HV Capacitor
- Switching Transformer
- Mosfet
- IC Power
- Zener Diode
- Resistor
- Replace faulty part
- PCB Repair Session
- Practical 5 : SMPS Repair Session with Faulty SMPS Board
- Testing, Data collection and verify status of SMPS problem.
- SMPS Board Repair
- Short Open Test using Digital Multi meter
- Voltage bias check using Digital Multi meter
- Verify Component status using Digital Multi meter /Huntron Tracker / LCR Meter
- Identify and replace faulty part
- Retesting and Verify status of SMPS
Note : Participants can bring their own faulty power supply for repairing purpose