Main Training Program





The Strategic Business Planning picks up on essential aspects of business and financial long term plan to further develop the skills and confidence to manage the strategic aspects of business. Failing to plan, is planning to fail!.


By acquiring this skills of planning and formulating business strategy to  contribute effectively to the organization performance. This programme will highlight methods used by top management from business and finance function which are relevant today for organisation long term success


Who should attend: Business managers with financial responsibility or seeking a refresher in analysis, business finance analysts, commercial accountants, project managers, budget analysts, vice presidents of finance, controllers and treasurers.



On completion of the programme, participants will be able to:-

  1. Understand the advantages of long term strategic planning an increasingly dynamic and fast changing world
  2. Contribute more effectively to corporate strategy by taking a more proactive and forward looking approach
  3. React to conditions of rapid change through enhanced awareness, anticipation and adaptation
  4. Understand and use alternative expressions of profit that start with a recognition of the impact on cash flow of the various stakeholders in a company
  5. Monitor the success of projects, strategies and even total businesses by articulating NPVs over time
  6. Be more confident in decision making and dealing with accountants and other specialists to assist business managers to construct a financial business plan
  7. Assess the strategic financial performance of the company and compare it with that of competitors
  8. Understand the significance of cash flow and working capital management
  9. Understand the concepts of strategic price setting and how strategic financial management fits together in an integrative model



Introduction to Business Strategy and Strategic Long-term Planning  

  • What is strategic planning and reason is needed?
  • Key conventions and rules
  • Methods and templates used for business plan
  • Analysing the key financial statements for organisation competitiveness.

Strategic analysis for financial performance

  • Understanding key ratio analysis of company versus competitors.
  • Benchmarking for industrial comparison.
  • Cost drivers and activity based costing for cost reduction
  • Breakeven and contribution analysis for new products developments
  • Margin analysis

Applying various business strategies using generic strategic models

  • Understand and applu Porter Five Forces Model for industry analysis
  • Performing external audit assessment and internal assessment in organisation
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Performing competitor analysis

Strategy formulation using models and templates

  • BCG Matrix
  • External Factor Environment Matrix and Internal Factor Matrix Chart
  • Grand Strategy Matrix
  • Workshop: Bottoms up business planning exercises.

Strategy Implementation  and Evaluation

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of strategy and importance for each department

Pricing issues and New Projects Appraisal

  • Price differentiation
  • The supply and demand relationship
  • The significance of volume and the experience curve
  • Continuous improvement
  • Dealing with competition
  • Investment appraisal
  • Cash versus profit measures
  • Forms of appraisal
  • The cash flow cycle-Measures of solvency
  • Capital investment budgeting
  • Concepts of relevancy of payback, DCF, IRR-Allocating scarce funds

Funding growth for new strategies

  • Sources of additional funds
  • The significance of gearing
  • Performing valuation models for acquisitions

How To Submit an Enquiry to Us?

  1. Fill in the form below and submit to us.
  2. Initiate a conversation via live chat on the bottom left of our website by stating: “Hi, my name is [your-name]. I’ve already submitted the form for this training.”
  3. We’ll promptly reach out to you regarding the training you’re interested in.

Program Enquiry Form