industry 4.0 represents a major transformation in the way businesses approach manufacturing. This fourth industrial revolution has already reduced the human resources requirements of many businesses through automation. Similarly, the exchange of data among disparate systems has dramatically enhanced efficiency and decision-making processes. No one can know for sure what will happen when companies need fewer human resources to operate. However, one thing we do know is that your job as an HR professional will look dramatically different as a result.
An organization would require a successful Smart HR 4.0 strategy to cope up with the challenges of Industry 4.0 transformation. Emerging technologies such as Internet-of-Things, Big Data, and artificial intelligence will automate most of the HR processes, resulting in efficient and leaner HR teams. Both organization structure and leadership style changes would be required for efficient Smart HR 4.0 implementation that would allow HR departments to play a more strategic role in the overall organization growth.
This Smart HR 4.0 programme acts as a catalyst in the disruption of talent ion-boarding, talent development, and talent off-boarding process with the help of emerging technologies and change in the employee generation.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• HR leaders will be able to identify the new skills and capabilities that will realistically be required in the future
• Understand the significance of Industry 4.0
• Understand Fourth Industrial Revolution and direct it toward a future that reflects the organisation values and success.
• Understand the evolution of the Business Partnering and possible future directions
• Take a look at the dynamic new environment in the business landscape, zooming into how organizations and people practices must be changed to cope with the unprecedented forces of the new business environment.
• Learn the latest case laws and policies
This course is for those who need to know and understand the fundamentals of human resource management for use in their day-to-day role on the service desk.
2 Days
Module 1: Introduction and Course Overview
Participants will have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives. Discussion on what “human resources” means. We will also complete a case study that highlights some of the challenges that an HR professional faces.
- Case study: Insights from Amazon’s Strategic and Organisational Disruptions
Module 2: HR Business Partner 2.0
- HR value added
- HR context
- HR Stakeholders
- HR Outcome- Talent
- HR Outcome- Organisation
- HR Outcome- Leadership
- HR Strategy
- HR Organisation
- HR Practices
- HR Competencies
- HR Digitalisation
- HR Work Style
- Case study: Partner transition at Vodafone
Module 3: Facing industry 4.0
- Adaptability
- Technology as a support, not as an enemy
- A thoughtful, first-rate employee brand and communication strategy.
- Personalized and carefully crafted experiences that recognize and celebrate the individual.
- Learning programs that help the individual develop his or her whole self.
- HR’s 5 actions in crafting a Business Digital Strategy
- Case study: A Tower Watson & Rabobank
Module 4: Agile in HR
- Dare to change
- Strategic agility
- Organisational agility
- Individual agility
- HR agility
- Focus on potential, culture & behaviour in environment
- Building a complete team than finding a “ Superman”
Module 5: Digital HR
Technology pervades our daily lives in how we use computers, communicate, access entertainment, drive, shop, form relationships, and so forth.
- What are the implications for HR?
- Learn the 4 phases in the evolution of digital HR
- Sharing Oracle & SAP success story
Module 6: HR’s vital role as a caregivers
- Physical
- Emotional
- Social
- Intellectual
- Spiritual
- Brainstorming session
Module 7: An emerging Leadership and HR agenda
- Belonging requires work
- Use technology to build connections, not contacts
- Demonstrate empathy ( mantra of CEO AT MICROSOFT)
- Employees take personal responsibility for finding meaning
Module 8: Importance of cognitive readiness
Cognitive readiness can be viewed as part of the advanced thinking skills that make leaders ready to confront whatever new and complex problems they might face. As stated earlier, cognitive readiness is the mental preparation that leaders develop so that they, and their teams, are prepared to face the ongoing dynamic, ill-defined, and unpredictable challenges in the digital, highly disruptive and VUCA-driven business environment which are the hallmarks of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
- What is VUCA world
- Who are VUCA leaders
- 7 cognitive readiness competencies
Module 9: Relationships and Gaining Trust
- Understand the Importance of Building Relationships
- Assess Your Own Relationships and Identify Areas for Improvement
- Describe the Business Impact of Improved Relationships Between HR and Non-HR
Module 10: Workplace Respect
- Identify Behaviours That Impede a Respectful Workplace
- Assess the Intent of Disrespectful Behaviours in Your Organization
- List the Components of a Respectful Workplace
Module 11: Effects of Incivility in the Workplace
- List the Physical and Psychological Effects of Disrespectful Behaviour on Employees
- Discuss How Disrespectful Behaviour Affects Productivity
- Translate a Company’s Lost Revenue Caused By Incivility into a Specific Dollar Amount
- List the Important Differences Between Healthy Workplace Legislation and Current Equal Employment Opportunity and Harassment Laws
Module 12: Bullying in the Workplace
- Differentiate Between Disrespectful Behaviour and Bullying
- List Actions Employees Can Take
- Identify Ways Your Organization Can Address Bullying
- Latest case laws