Upon completion of this course module, the student will be able to:
- Identify various sensor types including. photoelectric, proximity, hall effect, ultrasonic, temperature and limit.
- Install, maintain and troubleshoot sensors in systems. Explain AC single-phase and 3-phase motor operating principles and components.
- Interpret information provided on AC motor nameplates.
- Describe DC motor configurations and compare characteristics.
- Explain specification and operation of AC and DC servo motors.
- Troubleshoot contactors and motor starters.
Safety concerns pertaining to sensors
- Prevention
- Emergency procedures
- Functions
- Uses
Sensor Types
- Photoelectric
- Proximity
- Hall effect
- Ultrasonic
- Temperature
- Limit switch
Troubleshoot Sensors in System
- Asking the right questions
- Using schematics and diagrams
Replace Sensors in System
- Removal
- Installation
Mechanical Adjustments
- Installation
- Replacement
- Target acquisition and confirmation
- Inspection
Verify Signals
- Tracing
- Confirmation
Single-Phase AC Motors
- Principles and Components
- Types and Advantages/Disadvantages of Each
- Lab Demonstration of Single-Phase AC Motor Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Capacitor Start and Capacitor Run
- Single-Phase AC Motor Troubleshooting
Three-Phase AC Motors
- Principles and Components
- Types and Advantages/Disadvantages of Each
- Interpretation of AC Motor Nameplates
- Three-Phase AC Motor Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Servo Motors
- Operation of AC and DC Servo Motors and Drives
- AC and DC Servo Motors and Drives Maintenance and Troubleshooting
DC Motors
- Principles and Components
- Types and advantages/disadvantages of each
- DC Motor Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Speed Control
- Thrysistor Applications and Operating Principles
- Lab Demonstration of Speed Control
- PWM and Phase Shift Applications
- Variable Speed Drives Applications and Operating Principles
- VFD Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Relays and Motor Starters
- Principles and Components
- Types and Advantages/Disadvantages of Each
- Relay and Motor Starter troubleshooting and repair