This 2 day program is to bring the necessary knowledge and awareness to warehouse operation on their key role in supporting the overall supply chain capability of the business operation.
By the end of the 2 day interactive session, the learning curve achieve will enable the following:-
- UNDERSTANDING total supply chain system
- UNDERSTANDING the integration process for effective supply chain operation
- UNDERSTANDING warehouse operation role in supply chain system
- UNDERSTANDING the key difference between inventory and stock
- UNDERSTANDING key principles of warehousing and inventory & stock control
- DEVELOP the knowledge on managing stock accuracy
- UNDERSTANDING the method to calculate inventory level and techniques in inventory replenishment system
- UNDERSTANDING the correct effective technique in put away and picking process
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the scope of inventory management, including raw materials, WIP, and finished goods.
- Learn strategies for improving inventory flow, minimizing delays, and preventing stock imbalances.
- Gain insight into the use of AI tools to enhance inventory forecasting and decision-making.
- Be able to identify and mitigate risks and fraud in inventory processes.
This training program is highly recommended for those involve with inventory and stock operation and employees involved in warehousing management system
Role of Warehouse for effective supply chain system
- Definition of stock and inventory
- Type of warehousing operation
- Different type of warehousing layout
- Storage and location system
- Key principles of effective warehousing and inventory and stock operation
- Total supply chain system
- Integration process in supply chain
- Key role and responsibility of supply chain
- Winning and Qualifying objective for warehouse operation
Module 2
Managing Picking Operation
- Zone pick and pass
- Wave
- Batch
- Single
- Advantage and disadvantage of each picking process
- KPI for Picking process
Module 3
Managing Receiving and Put away Process
- What is put away
- Step in Put away
- Put away strategies
- Best Receiving procedure
- KPI Put away and Receiving operation
Module 4
Managing SLOB and Stock Shrinkage
- What is SLOB
- Reason for SLOB
- Stock shrinkage management
- Action to prevent shrinkage and SLOB
Module 5
- Inventory and Stock replenishment control level and accuracy