This 2 day program is to bring the necessary knowledge and awareness and knowhow to implement a sustainable warehousing and inventory system in the organization.
By the end of the 2 day interactive session, the learning curve achieve will enable the following:-
- UNDERSTANDING the key difference between inventory and stock
- UNDERSTANDING key principles of warehousing and inventory & stock control
- DEVELOP knowledge on sustainable risk management in warehouse and inventory operation
- DEVELOP the knowledge on managing stock accuracy
- UNDERSTANDING the method to calculate inventory level and techniques in inventory replenishment system
- UNDERSTANDING the correct effective technique in put away and picking process
Module 1
Warehouse and Inventory Basics
- Definition of stock and inventory
- Type of warehousing operation
- Different type of warehousing layout
- Storage and location system
- Key principles of effective warehousing and inventory and stock operation
Module 2
Managing Picking Operation
- Zone pick and pass
- Wave
- Batch
- Single
- Advantage and disadvantage of each picking process
- KPI for Picking process
Module 3
Managing Receiving and Put away Process
- What is put away
- Step in Put away
- Put away strategies
- Best Receiving procedure
- KPI Put away and Receiving operation
Module 4
Managing SLOB and Stock Shrinkage
- What is SLOB
- Reason for SLOB
- Stock shrinkage management
- Action to prevent shrinkage and SLOB
Module 5
Inventory and Stock Replenishment control level and accuracy
- Pull and Push system
- Kanban
- CRP and Periodic control
- Simple Average Forecasting method
- Historic Forecasting
- Reorder Level and Safety stock
- Turnover ratio
- Stock accuracy management
- Hybrid consignment stock
- Consignment stock
- Cross docking
Module 6
Sustainable Warehouse and Inventory Operation and DRP Planning
- What is ESG
- Current trend in ESG system
- Action for ESG compliance in warehouse and inventory management
- Business Continuity Planning
- Threat and Risk Analysis
- RPO and RCO Objective in risk management
- Disaster Recovery Planning in warehouse operation