Lean manufacturing which is often known simply as “Lean”, is a generic process management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production System (TPS). It is a powerful method that allows organizations to improve the productivity, efficiency, and quality of their products and services. Companies today, from a wide range of industries, government agencies and other areas are finding ways to apply the principles of lean as a means of producing goods and delivering services that creates value for the customer with the minimum amount of waste and the highest level of quality. Our simulation-based, hands-on overview will present you with essential principles, tools and applications of what it can do to transform your organization towards a World Class company.
- What is Lean Manufacturing?
- Why Lean Manufacturing is not a choice but compulsory to be implemented
- How to go about starting on the Lean journey?
- Setting the right strategies for Lean Manufacturing
- Tools versus Culture
- Cost reduction versus waste reduction
- Tops down versus bottoms up. Which is the right way to go?
- Lean manufacturing and 6 sigma. Which to use when?
- Putting up an action plan
- What is Lean Manufacturing?
- Why “Lean” ?
- History of lean
- 5 principles of Lean
- Lean manufacturing and Toyota Production System
- Lean and six sigma – when to use which?
What a Lean Leader must know from the cultural and people’s perspective of Lean?
- Overview of the company culture and management system in participants’ organizations.
- What obstacles have you experienced in your efforts to implement lean?
- What do you need to successfully deploy lean?
Waste Identification
- Define Customer Value- add and Business – Value add
- Identify the 7 wastes
- Muda, Mura & Muri
- What is a standardized system?
- Advantages of standardization
Visual Management
- Why Visual Management ?
- Benefits of Visual Management
Poka Yoke or Error Proofing
- Poka Yoke Philosophy
Flow and Work Cell Design
- What’s Flow?
- Traditional Layout & Lean layout
SMED (Quick Change Over)
- What is SMED ?
- Waste during Change Over (C/O) or Setups
- Benefits gained from reducing C/O times
- What is Kaizen ?
- Kaizen Spirit
- Main Kaizen Activity
Why some companies fail in implementing Lean?
The challenges organizations face in implementing a lean transformation and suggested methods to deal with those challenges
Action plan – putting it all together