Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Job description is a list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities—one product of a job analysis. Job specifications is a list of a job’s “human requirements,” that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on—another product of a job analysis.
At the end of this 2 days training, the participants will be able to:
- Understand what is the link between manpower planning & conducting job analysis
- Apply the basic principles of job analysis and evaluation
- Write clear job descriptions based on thorough job analysis
- Defend the importance of job evaluation as a tool to guarantee internal consistency and fairness
- Justify the importance of the effective administration of job evaluation systems
- HR officers/Executives, HR specialists and team leaders, as well as HR managers and HR business partners who want to sharpen their skills of job analysis, job description and evaluation.
- Lecture, Hands-on activities (run job analysis & writing JD & JS), Group activities/presentation, brainstorming.
- 2 days @ 9am to 5pm
What is the organizational direction?
- Manpower requirement & planning
- Organizational responsibilities
What is Job Analysis?
- Job description & Job specifications
- Job analysis and evaluation as part of a comprehensive compensation system
- The pervasiveness of the job description
- Uses of job analysis
How to conduct Job Analysis?
- Job analysis methods
- Job analysis process
- Job analysis guidelines
- Dos and don’ts of job analysis interviews
Start writing job descriptions
- Job evaluation system
- The key result areas approach for writing job descriptions
- The format & language of job descriptions
- The ultimate test for the effectiveness of the job description
What is Job Evaluation?
- Job evaluation defined
- Job evaluation and internal consistency
- The objectives of job evaluation
Job evaluation methods
- Job evaluation methods
- Simple ranking
- Grade classification
- Factor points systems
- The main factor points systems
- Choice of system
Administration and maintenance
- Importance of job descriptions
- Job evaluation policy
- Confidentiality in job evaluation
- The job evaluation process
- Administration and procedures
- Managing job evaluation through the committee process
- Importance of communication in job evaluation