As there is an increasing focus on bribery, business reputation, sustainability and growth are at stake. The effects of bribery are felt globally and acts of bribery incur significant criminal sanctions. The ISO 37001:2016 – Anti-bribery management system (ABMS) can provide your organization with an international best-practice framework for prohibiting, preventing, detecting and reporting bribery.
The programme is designed to give participants an awareness of ABMS and its role in bribery and corruption detection and prevention in Malaysia. Participants will also be exposed and guided on the requirements of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and other relevant Laws in Malaysia and its application within the organization and the related industries & trade countries.
The current amendments of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 in 2018 focuses on Corporate Liability. With this in mind, corporations need to have a adequate procedures in place to manage corruption risk.
Participants will be fully equipped to have a sufficient awareness in relation to the code of conduct in their respective organization with the appropriate legal compliance, standards, framework and practices, from a risk management perspective – Prevention is better than cure
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Understand and comprehend the requirements of ISO 37001:2016
- Understand the background, structure and intent of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 & Amendment 2018
- Understand the need to comply with the Anti Bribery & Corruption Plan
- Understand the adoption of Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) methodology
- Understand the importance due diligence within the parameters of legal provisions
- Ability to identify existing / potential ethical conduct within the organization or emanating from external sources, which may have an impact on Business Continuity activities
- Be able to spot malpractices & Red Flags during the course of hiring, sourcing and contract management.
- Importance of official documents and the need to comply with documentation requirement.
- Method of Internal Audit and Corruption Risk Assessment