Workplace grievances may occur as long as there is an employer-employee relationship. Anything that can be deemed as unfair treatment to the employees can be classified as grievances. When not identified and handled amicably, employee morale can be affected, leading to lower engagement level and productivity, and higher attrition as employees lose confidence with the leadership. Disciplinary action is sometimes necessary so that employees who infringe on workplace rules recognise personal and team accountabilities, which would groom them into true professionals. Grievance handling and disciplinary actions are both challenging aspects of people management, but it has got to be done when the need arises. This workshop aims to enable you with the skills to handle grievance and disciplinary actions, such that difficult employee situations can be turned around to become opportunities to enhance employee performance. This workshop also aims to enable you with the skills to handle termination confidently, when necessary.
- Identify your concerns and fears about dealing with grievance and disciplinary issues
- Define the meaning of a ‘grievance’ and ‘discipline’ in the workplace
- Distinguish between misconduct and Gross Misconduct
- Describe why grievance and disciplinary procedures are needed
- Be aware of the main legislation and how this fit with your organisation’s Grievance and Disciplinary procedures
- Outline the Disciplinary Process
- Implement your organisation’s Grievance and Disciplinary procedures
Module 1: Grievances
- What is grievance & how does it develop?
- Grievance handling principles
- The consequences of ignoring employee grievances
- General principles of grievance processes
- What value does an effective grievance process add to an organisation?
- The grievance policy
- The grievance procedure
- Guideline for conducting a grievance hearing
Module 2: Employment Law
- Explain the key provisions of legislation that covers termination and the latest proposed amendment 2018
Module 3: Corrective Discipline
- The concept of progressive discipline
- Principles of progressive discipline
- Informal disciplinary action
- Disciplinary counselling interview
- Disciplinary interview
Module 4: Handling Disciplinary hearing
- When should a disciplinary hearing be instituted?
- Fairness in discipline
- Participants and their roles in a disciplinary hearing
- The disciplinary hearing processes
- The role of the participants in the hearing
- Procedure for chairing a disciplinary hearing
- General guidelines for the chairperson
- Testimonies of witnesses
- Employee refuses/fails to attend a disciplinary hearing
- Disciplinary hearings that are criminal offences
Module 5: Types of Misconduct (Major & Minor Misconduct)
- Malingering
- Tardiness
- Poor or inefficient job performance
- Absence without approval
- Absence before or after PH
- Absence from the workplace
- Excessive MC
- Disobedience
- Insubordination
- Sexual Harassment
Module 6: Disciplinary and Grievance procedures at work
- Learn techniques to avoid getting to this stage.
- How to avoid employment disputes and costly tribunals.
- Understand employment law and the disciplinary and grievance process.
- Understand the importance of investigation, documentation and accurate recording
Module 7: How to draw the line between tough management and harassment
- Where can workplace harassment occur?
- What criteria have to be met to establish whether there was harassment?
- Time limit to file a complaint
- Examples of what constitutes workplace harassment
- Examples of what does not constitute workplace harassment
- To help frame the situation, ask yourself:
- Poisoned work environment
- If you believe you have been harassed
Module 8: Handling Poor performance (PIP)
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- Purpose of PIP
- How to establish PIP
- Step by step guide
Module 9 : Disciplinary & Dismissal
- Conducting disciplinary inquiry and dismissal
- Dismissal without due inquiry
- Inquiry suspension pay
- Dismissal during the notice period- Criminal offences
Module 10: Industrial relations
- Advise on and apply the law in respect of industrial action and other key aspects of employee relations
- Articulate clearly statutory and legislative requirements
- Implement your organisation’s relevant policies and procedures
Module 11: Unfair Dismissals & Constructive Dismissals
- Time limit for employee to make complaints under Industrial Relations Act 1967
- Who may represent employer for conciliation proceedings?
- Who may represent employer in Industrial Courts?
- Maximum compensation
- Dismissal without notice
- Dismissal with notice
- Constructive Dismissal