Compressed air is used widely throughout industry and is often considered the “fourth utility” (after electricity, water and gas) at many facilities. Almost every industrial plant, from a small machine shop to an immense pulp and paper mill have some type of compressed air system. In many cases, the compressed air system is so vital that the facility cannot operate without it. A properly managed compressed air system can save energy, reduce maintenance, decrease downtime, increase production throughput, and improve product quality.
The course is designed for participants who have little or no knowledge of air compressors. This course is also designed to introduce the participants to the various compressor terminologies frequently used, the various types of compressors used, the various parts and to some basic design. The overall objective is to give the participants a functional knowledge of basic compressor theory.
Air compressors have their fair share of engineering problems in industry.
The said problems could be classified into:-
- Problems which could be identified and solved immediately, with little or no financial implications or loss in production and a drop in quality levels;
- Problems which could be identified and cannot be solved immediately, with little or no knowledge of its implications;
- Problems which recur frequently and cannot be solved permanently etc;
Some of the reasons for these are due to:-
- Incompetent staff;
- A vast variety of equipment;
- Many moving (sliding, reciprocating, rotating) components etc.
This course is industry designed, to provide a broad understanding of the improvement methodology, concepts, and process. The methodology is presented with case studies and examples drawn from service, business process and manufacturing applications. The integration of manufacturing and maintenance is also addressed. With a heavy practice orientation, as much as a third of your time will be spent working through interactive practical exercises and assessments. This course is designed as an introduction to concepts and methodology.
This training program is designed to provide an understanding of engineering related problems related to industry globally and a clear sense of what is required to effectively structure, establish measurements and solve problems. Participants will learn the goals and deliverables behind the solutions. Methodology as well as the most commonly used tools within each phase will be discussed. Participants will also learn how to support a problem solving initiative within their organization.
On successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:-
- Understand the benefits and implications of air compressors engineering problem solving program, and relate the concepts to the overall business mission and objectives.
- Think about his/her organization as a collection of processes, with inputs that determine the output.
- Use the concept of air compressor engineering problem solving to evaluate the capability of a process.
- Recognize the engineering problem solving model used to improve processes.
- Recognize the factors that are necessary groundwork for a successful engineering problem solving program.
- Integrate air compressor engineering problem solving program effort with other process improvement initiatives.
- The latest educational methods and strategies will be utilized.
- The course is designed to maximize delegate participation.
- Questions and answers are encouraged throughout and at the daily wrap-up sessions. This gives participants the opportunity to discuss with others and the presenter their specific problems and appropriate solutions.
- The course shall be conducted through lectures, case studies, group discussions and exercises to reinforce participant’s learning.
Manufacturing, process, executives, managers, maintenance personnel, operational managers etc.
The course consists of formal content presentation interspersed with content quiz sessions. The presenter’s style involves intensive participant participation.
Day 1
Matching the Supply and Demand of a Compressed Air System
Air stored at an elevated pressure in a fixed volume vessel.
Reserve rotating energy of off-loaded operating air compressor motors
Demand Versus Supply: Problems and Solutions for Industrial Applications
A 25% Demand Reduction – With No Supply Adjustment
Account for Artificial Demand of Unregulated Uses
A 25% Demand Reduction Coupled with Automation
An Engineered Approach to the Problem & Solution
Required Demand Changes
Required Supply Changes
Compressed Air as an Outsourced Utility
Owning a Conventional System and Faced with Capital Expenditure
The Compressed Air Utility Alternative Solution
Monitoring and Control Systems
Installation and Feedback
Costs and Payback
Heat Recovery and Compressed Air Systems
Heat Recovery with Air-Cooled Lubricant Injected Rotary Screw Compressors
Heat Recovery with Water-Cooled Lubricant Injected Compressors
Heat Recovery with Water-Cooled Oil-Free Compressors
Heat Recovery with Engine Driven Compressors
Calculating Energy Savings
Compressed Air Auditing
Three basic types of audit
Compressed Air Leaks: Industrial Applications & Case Studies
Accountability with Leak Values
Control Systems for Small and Medium-Sized Air Compressors
Energy Efficiency for 25 hp Air Compressors
The Automatic Dual Control System
Printing Firm Reduces Energy Costs by 50%
System Measurement Methodology
Baseline Conditions
The New System
Energy Efficiency & Conservation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
The Audit / Review
The New Reconfigured/Capable System
Guidelines for Reconfigured Systems Design Parameters
Selecting the Compressed Air Equipment
An Offset Printer Saves 1.8 Million kWh and RM121,000 Per Year: A Case Study
System Overview
Supply Side: Two Compressor Rooms
Measurement Establishes the Baseline
Demand Side: Compressed Air Leak Survey
Demand Side: Printing Presses and Water-based Ink
Demand-Side: Air Cylinder Usage
Q&A Session
End of Program