Main Training Program





This program is specially developed for SUPERVISORS and TEAM LEADERS with the purpose to elaborate and deliberate the need to manage performance through supervision of work processes effectively so that the right focus could be given and the right measures could be identified to ensure that the desired results could be generated consistently.

The main philosophy behind this program is ‘There is no such thing as FAILURES.  Just WRONG RESULTS.  So, CHANGE STRATEGIES”.  This program is a MUST for executives to enable them to be in control of their respective work processes by determining the RIGHT MEASURES.

What we do not measure, we cannot improve.  Due to this, it is important that supervisors need to measure work process performance.  It is the perennial function of all supervisors that work processes are effectively executed to ensure that these work processes will drive towards the right results.

Participants will be introduced with simple practical tools so that they are able to apply them accordingly so that they could put their job in better control and continue to seek for improvements through measuring the performance of work processes and its results.



  • To provide fundamental understanding in critical elements in enhancing overall process and quality systems performance effectiveness.
  • To provide awareness that performance can be measured and is the responsibility and obligation of each process owner and leaders.
  • In order to build successful quality-based organizations we need to build process driven work systems that could sustain good performance.



Managers, Executives and selected supporting staffs including :

  • Production Supervisors
  • Shift Team Leaders
  • Unit Heads
  • Section Heads

that need to acquire or polish up their supervisory and people management skills and ensure that the Company’s objectives are met.  As a matter of fact this training workshop is suitable for all levels.

At least 20 pax.



  • Lectures
  • Simulation activities
  • Discussions and presentations
  • Role Play
  • Mock Training Sessions
  • To be conducted in Bahasa Melayu and English



Day One

08:30 am
Registration & Program Briefing
Ice Breaking

09:00 am

Topic 1 : Understanding Supervisory and Managing People This topic will discuss the relationship between supervisory effectiveness and managing people for performance and results. Supervisory skills are vital in order to manage people effectively. Since management is the art of getting work done through people, the ability to supervise would be essential in ensuring that each individual are able to focus on their tasks.

10:30 am Coffee/Tea Break
10:45 am

Topic 2 : Motivate and Energize : The Essence of Management Skills

Team Activity : Management and Communication Games “Tying a ROPE Knot” Participants will be exposed to some practical approaches towards motivating and energizing their team members. Main issues to be discussed would be such as Why Do We Work?, Why Are We Hired?, Energizing through Positive Conditioning, The ability to manage challenges and change.

12:45 pm Lunch
02:00 pm

Topic 3 : Coaching and Mentoring for Effective Leadership and Supervision This topic will focus on the importance of supervisors to have the technical skills in mentoring their teams. This topic will also focus on supervisors taking the role of leaders through coaching and mentoring so that team members will continue to give their commitment in their effort to generate the needed performances and drive towards achieving the desired results.

03:30 pm Break
03:45 pm

Topic 4 : Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Supervisory Roles

Team Workshop : Understanding Your Personal Traits in Communication. This topic will focus on communication and interpersonal skills in supervisory roles because supervisors not only need to get the job done but more importantly they need to get the job done through people. Therefore, it is so vital that messages are effectively conveyed and interpretations of messages could be made easier.

04:30 pm Q&A
05:00 pm End of Day One


Day Two

08:30 am
Day One Review

09:00 am

Topic 5 : Understanding the Relationship of People, Process and Technology

Topic 6 : Supervising Performance through Work Processes This topic will discuss the Organisational Golden Triangle which include People, Process and Technology. This topic will establish the importance of process in driving the right results.

This topic will help participants identify critical work processes that will have the greatest impact to their performance. Therefore the real secret in performance management is to have control over the execution of their respective work processes.

10:30 am Coffee/Tea Break
10:45 am

Topic 7 : Determining and Measuring Work Processes Performance and Results for Effective Supervision

Activity : Identifying Vital Work Processes

This topic will identify work process measures and how it will drive towards the results. Participants will learn to develop skills in managing work process performance through the right process performance measures.

12:45 pm Lunch
02:00 pm

Workshop : Detailing Critical Work Processes and Measurements for Performance Supervision

The purpose of this workshop is to identify and measure critical work processes that defines the performance of the team members. This will allow supervisors to construct strategies for continual improvements in performance.

03:30 pm Break
03:45 pm

Workshop : Effective Performance Management “Identify Performance Root Cause and Measuring Effectiveness for Continual Improvements”

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce and develop skills in problem solving which is an important skill-set that a supervisor must have. Participants will identify what are the root causes of a certain issue or problem and mitigating these issues with relevant corrective actions.

04:30 pm Q&A
05:00 pm End of Program

How To Submit an Enquiry to Us?

  1. Fill in the form below and submit to us.
  2. Initiate a conversation via live chat on the bottom left of our website by stating: “Hi, my name is [your-name]. I’ve already submitted the form for this training.”
  3. We’ll promptly reach out to you regarding the training you’re interested in.

Program Enquiry Form