Design for manufacturability is the application of process, method and art of creating cost effective product designs. The design stage is very important and ultimately influential in the end-product cost, quality, and time to market. Overall product lifecycle characteristics are committed at design stage. The product design is not just based on good design or engineering factors but it should consider the through-put or manufacturing as well.
Design for reliability is to avoid issues such as Takata airbag and Microsoft Xbox issues to avoid warranty costs and provide customer satisfaction. Field failures are very costly and can cost billions of dollars in warranties (aside from loss of business and market share). Clearly, in order to be profitable, an organization’s products must be reliable, and reliable products require a formal reliability design process.
- Reduces time-to-market
- Reduces component count
- Reduces process time
- Reduces product & process cost
- Understand and perform Boothroyd/Dewhurst assembly efficiency analysis
- Designing for mistake proofing (poka yoke)
- The proper techniques to achieving Design for Reliability (DfR).
- Gain detailed knowledge of designing reliability
- Understand the concepts of reliability
- Apply the right tools where is needed
- Ensure all the requirements are met
- Understand RAM concepts
- Understand and apply reliability engineering design approaches
- Apply proper analysis to develop design
- Use redundancy when is needed
- Understand mathematics of reliability
1. Introduction to DFM
- What is design for manufacture & assembly?
- History
- Producibility guidelines
- How does DFMA work?
- Common reasons for not implementing DFMA
- Advantages of applying DFMA during product design
- Performing Boothroyd/Dewhurst assembly efficiency analysis
2. Product design for manual assembly
- General design guidelines for manual assembly
- Assembly efficiency
- Part weight
- Part shape & symmetry
- Part thickness
- Chamfer design
- Combination
- Assembly layout
3. Design for automatic & robot assembly
- Design for high speed feeding & assembly
- Feeding difficulties
- Rules for high speed assembly & automation
4. Introduction to DFR
- What is the difference between quality & reliability?
- Tools used in DFSS & DFR
- Relationship between quality & reliability
5. The DFR process
- Define the reliability requirements
- Identify the risks
- Analyze & assess
- Quantify & improve
- Validate
- Monitor & control
6. Define Reliability Goals & Targets
- Establishing system level reliability requirements and goals
- Allocating reliability requirements and goals
- Understanding and quantifying end-user environmental and usage conditions
7. Reliability Engineering Design Approaches
- Design for reduced risk
- Design for extreme environments
- Design to eliminate failure modes
- Design for fault tolerance
- Design for fail-safe
- Design for early warning of failures
- MM/OD survivability
8. Analyzing Reliability
- Using FMEA’s on key reliability risks
- Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM)
- Applying physics of failure for reliability predictions and system modeling
- Developing a reliability improvement plan
9. Quantifying and Improving Reliability Methods
- Design of Experiments (DOE)
- Test Designs/Plans
- HALT/HASS (Qualitative ALT)
- Failure (Root Cause) Analysis
- Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR)
- Life Data Analysis
- Accelerated Life Testing (Quantitative ALT)
- System Reliability Analysis and Modeling (RBD, FTA)
- Reliability Growth
- Supplier Reliability
10. Applying analyses to drive the design
- Perform Reliability Analysis
- RAM Simulation and modeling (Discrete Event Modeling)
- Fault Tree Analysis
- Worst case Analysis
- Parts Stress
- Thermal Analysis
- Structural Analysis
- Common Cause Failure Analysis
- Success Tree Analysis
- Parts and Materials
- Human engineering/ Human Factors
11. Fault Tree Analysis Review
- Definition of FTA
- Advantages of FTA
- When an FTA can be applied
- FTA procedures
- How to analyze the fault tree data
- Related analysis
12. Validate Reliability
- Reliability demonstration test design
- Field reliability predictions (warranty predictions)
- Achieved reliability performance
- Volume manufacturing and/or supplier control plan
- Monitor and control reliability
13. Reliability Testing
- Development (discovery) testing
- Reliability qualification testing
- Accelerated life testing
- Manufacturing testing
14. Factory Audit (Reliability QA)
- Warranty Forecasting and Analysis
- Communicate, Update and Maintain Knowledge Items
15. Maintaining Reliability through Production and Operation
- Production and operation impacts on reliability
- Production concerns
- Quality of production
- Supplier selection and management
- Designing for maintainability
- Reliability information systems
- Developing a maintenance program of corrective and preventive actions