AutoCAD Essential Training enables students to create a basic 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software. This training covers the essential core topics for working with the AutoCAD software.
The objective of this course is to teach users the basic commands and tools necessary for professional 2D drawing, design and drafting using AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT.
By the end of this program, participants should be able to:
- Understand the concepts and values of AutoCAD in order to confidently produce professional drawings
- Use AutoCAD commands to effectively create, modify, save, plot and merge drawings
- Create layers to control the objects’ visibility.
- Plot or print the drawing by scale.
This course is designed for Staff who deal with designs of products such as Designers, Engineering Draft person and R & D personnel especially where 2 dimensional designs are concerned.
This program will be delivered through Case studies, which are built through actual working environments, small group practical exercises, small group discussion, facilitator presentations, skill practices, application planning and walk-through simulations.
Introduction To AutoCAD
- Installation & Configuration
- AutoCAD Screen & Menu Components
- New, Open, Save & Exit
AutoCAD Drawing Tools
- Drawing Aids Tools
- Drawing Commands
- AutoCAD Coordinate Systems
- Object Snap & AutoTracking
- Dynamic Input
AutoCAD Display Commands
- Zoom & Pan
- Regen Command
Hatch Patterns
- Positioning Hatch Pattern
- Understanding Advance Hatch
- Editing Hatch Patterns
Adding Text To Your Drawing
- Creating Text
- Editing Text
Layers, Linetype And Colors
- Implementation of Layers
- Save & Restore Layer Settings
- Colors & Linetype
AutoCAD Editing Tools
- Entity Selection
- 2D Editing Commands
- Object Properties Dialog Box
- Property Painter Support
AutoCAD Dimensioning
- Creating Dimension Style
- Editing Dimension Style
- Using QDIM command
- Using Leader
- Creating multi leader style
- Placing multi leader with text , blocks and tolerance
Layer Enhancements
- Isolate and Unisolate Layers
- Hide Layers and Unhide Layers
- Layer Walk
- Layer on and off
Working with Design Center
- Working with Design Center
- View content properties in Design Center
Working with Tool Palette and Blocks
- Working with Tool Palettes
- Creating Blocks
- Inserting Blocks in Tool Palette
- Inserting hatching in Tool Palette
Creating Additional Drawing Objects
- Working with Polylines
- Creating Splines
- Creating Ellipses
Drafting Tools
- Creating table style
- Creating table
Plotting Enhancements
- Plotting in AutoCAD
- Layer Manager – Turning Plotting On / Off for a Layer
- Convert to PDF