AS9100 (D) is based on ISO 9001:2015, and include additional requirements referring specifically to aerospace. The current standard applies to management systems that cover quality in design, development, production, installation, distribution, and servicing as well as purchasing, validation, and shipping.
The AS9100D standard contains the elements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and its corresponding guidelines. Specific items have been added to AS9100D to support aero space specific quality and reliability requirements.
Companies that seek AS9100 certification strive to exceed government requirements, improve their performance through excellence in management practices, track and communicate their progress and work with independent auditors to enhance and certify their management systems.
Through independent certification, aerospace companies and vendors can certify that they have an effective system in place. In addition, Quality Management Systems guide firms in assessing their needs, building performance goals and reporting progress to the public.
The other benefits of AS9100 certification:
- Increased customer satisfaction
- On-going operational improvements that cut waste and reduce costs
- Fewer errors and lower return rates
- Greater productivity and improved performance
- Simplified documentation
- Greater audit and surveillance efficiency
- Greater access to new markets
- Meets requirements for suppliers of the major aerospace manufacturers
- Understanding the key changes
- Interpret the key clause requirements of AS9100D requirements
- Linking Internal , External issues and Interested parties requirement for comprehensive QMS scope
- Risk Based Thinking and Opportunity, Evaluation Techniques
- Process Approach for QMS, Quality Manual
- Interaction of Processes
- Configuration Management, Counterfeit of Parts Prevention
- Changes Matrix
Internal Audit Team, Front line managers, Section Managers ,Section Head, Supervisors Executives, Team leaders, Leaders, Engineers and facilitators responsible for implementing AS9100D QMS.
Day 1
- Registration of Participants
- Pre-test
- What is Quality and evolution of Quality Management System
- AS9100D Revision, Establishment & Function
- Overview of Key Changes
- Key Benefits Of AS9100 D
- AS9100 D Area of Focus
- Transition Timing for AS9100D
- Internal and External elements –Organizational Issues
- Interested parties requirement, Why this must be addressed
- Tea Break
- Process Approach for QMS AS9100D
- What is a Process
- Interaction of Processes
- Understanding Organizational Process and Category
- Customer Orientated Process (COP)
- Management Orientated Process(MOP)
- Support Orientated Process(SOP)
- Class Exercise and Review
- Lunch Break
- Risk Based Thinking and Opportunity
- Definition and Why Risk Based thinking
- Risk Assessment Methodology
- Customer Specific Requirements(CSR)
- Class Exercise/Group Presentation
- Tea Break
- Terms and Definition
- Requirements and business model
- Review current organizational practices vs 2016 requirements
- Case study on Risk and Opportunity
- Other QMS Concern
- Process Model
- Performance Evaluation Techniques
- Configuration Management
- Risk Management Techniques
- Audit Preparation TIPS
- Quiz /Class Exercise/Group Presentation
Day 2
- Detail Understanding of the requirements
- Understanding the organization & its content
- Understanding the needs & expectation of interested parties
- Determining the scope of the QMS
- Management System and its processes
- Case study/Review
- Tea Break
- Leadership and its commitment
- Policy
- Organizational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
- Actions to address risks and opportunities
- Quality objectives and planning to achieve them
- Planning of Changes
- Quiz/Case study/Review
- Lunch Break
- Resources
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- Documented information
- Operational planning and Control
- Requirements for product and services
- Design and development of product and services
- Control of externally provided processes, products and services.
- Production and service provision
- Release of Product and services
- Control of nonconforming product
- Case study/Vide Clip/Review
- Tea Break
- Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
- Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Improvement
- Nonconformity and corrective action
- Continual Improvement
- Review/Question/Answer
- Summary
- Post Test