Most organizations use quality tools for various purposes related to controlling and assuring quality.
Although a good number of quality tools specific are available for certain domains, fields and practices, some of the quality tools can be used across such domains. These quality tools are quite generic and can be applied to any condition.
There are Seven Basic Quality Tools used in organizations. These tools can provide much information about problems in the organization assisting to derive solutions for the same.
By learning the basic tools, organization can define structure platform for problem solving and make Kaizen Improvements in their operation. This is the 1st step toward making a TQM based organization.
“We make people before making product”. As such teaching and educating the people with the right tools will further enhance the Productivity and Quality of the service or product provided to the customer, improve the Customer Satisfaction Index.
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Learn the Basic Concepts, purpose & benefits of 7QC tools
- How to use and implement 7QC tools
- Examine how to collect and use data for the intended purpose
- Discover how to use statistics for decision making
- Explore the Application of 7QC tools in Kaizen activities
- Learn how to communicate the improvement to the TEAM
- Anchor the improvements as part of Quality Management System
MODULE 1: Introduction to Quality and Quality Tools
- Quality and Evolution
- Overview of 7 QC tools
- Benefits of the 7QC tools
- Definition of Problem
- Kaizen and 7QCC tools
- People Involvement and Engagement in Problem Solving/7 QC Tools
MODULE 2: Introduction to Tools
- Tool # 1 : Check Sheets
- Gather Information & Data
- Process Mapping to get clarity of the problem
- Use Data Collection Plan to gather data to support decision-making
- Class Exercise
- Tool # 2 : Pareto Diagrams
- Class Exercise with case study
MODULE 3: Fish Bone and Why-Why Analysis
- Tool # 3 : Fish Bone Diagram
- Class Exercise
- Tools # 4 : Why-Why Analysis/Action formation
- Class Exercise with Case study
MODULE 4: Flow Chart and Application
- Tool # 5 : Flow Chart and the use of it
- Flow Chart Steps
- Real Project Review and application
- Question & Answers
MODULE 5: Variable & Attribute Control Charts
- Review and Recap Tools studied
- Tools # 6 : Control Chart and application (Variable/Attribute)
- Class Exercise and Case Study
- Summary
MODULE 6: Scatter or Relationship Diagram
- Tool # 7 : Scatter Diagrams
- Class Exercise with Case study