This Course has been designed for busy entrepreneurs that just want to get results fast on Social Media. Each training module covers easy to follow instructions. This course includes a super simple Planning template which will help you organize your social medias.
- New to or looking to learn more about the latest trends
- Looking for an overview of amazon, ebay and alibaba or get to grips with the platforms
- Enhancing your knowledge of the latest trends and developments
- Wanting to learn about best practice
- Confused about the best platforms for your organisation to achieve its goals
- increase your return on investment
- Creating a marketing plan for your business
VPs and Marketing directors, PR directors, Marcom directors, social media managers, community managers, bloggers, digital marketing executives, PR executives, account managers, account executives, and anybody who needs to use social media to attract customers and prospects, cultivate leads, deepen customer relationships, increase brand awareness, improve public perception and drive sales.
- Quizzes. For long, complicated training, stop periodically to administer brief quizzes on information presented to that point. Begin sessions with a prequiz and let participants know there will also be a follow-up quiz. Trainees will stay engaged in order to improve their prequiz scores on the final quiz. Further this will motivate participants by offering awards to the highest scorers or the most improved scores.
- Small group discussions. Break the participants down into small groups and give them case studies or work situations to discuss or solve. This is a good way for knowledgeable veteran employees to pass on their experience to newer employees.
- Case studies. Adults tend to bring a problem-oriented way of thinking to workplace training. Case studies are an excellent way to capitalize on this type of adult learning. By analyzing real job-related situations, employees can learn how to handle similar situations. They can also see how various elements of a job work together to create problems as well as solutions.
- Active summaries. Create small groups and have them choose a leader. Ask them to summarize the lecture’s major points and have each team leader present the summaries to the class. Read aloud a prewritten summary and compare this with participants’ impressions.
- Q & A sessions. Informal question-and-answer sessions are most effective with small groups and for updating skills rather than teaching new skills. For example, some changes in departmental procedure might easily be handled by a short explanation by the supervisor, followed by a question-and-answer period and a discussion period.
- Question cards. During the lecture, ask participants to write questions on the subject matter. Collect them and conduct a quiz/review session.
- Role-playing. By assuming roles and acting out situations that might occur in the workplace, employees learn how to handle various situations before they face them on the job. Role-playing is an excellent training technique for many interpersonal skills, such as customer service, interviewing, and supervising.
- Participant control. Create a subject menu of what will be covered. Ask participants to review it and pick items they want to know more about. Call on a participant to identify his or her choice. Cover that topic and move on to the next participant.
- Demonstrations. Demonstrate the steps being taught or the processes being adopted.
- Other activities.
- Create a personal action plan
- Paraphrase important or complex points in the lecture
- Consider your selling strategy
- Consider your selling strategy
- Create an Amazon seller account
- Adding your products
- product categories
- product details
- build a detail page
- attracting customer
- after your sale
- Analytics
- Creating and managing listings
- Pricing your items
- Setting up and changing your payment method
- eBay selling fees
- Setting up your shipping options
- Getting paid for items you’ve sold
- Manage returns, missing items and refunds
- eBay’s rules and policies
- Know more about Keyword Advertising to Get Buyers
- Ranking trend of the platform and improve your product ranking
- How to optimize your storefront
- Getting to know your analytics tools
- How to respond to buyer inquiries