

Course Introduction

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying the gap between employee training and needs of training. Training needs analysis is the first stage in the training process and involves a procedure to determine whether training will indeed address the problem which has been identified. Training can be described as “the acquisition of skills, concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance within the job environment”.

Training needs analysis looks at each aspect of an operational domain so that the initial skills, concepts and attitudes of the human elements of a system can be effectively identified and appropriate training can be specified.

Training needs analysis is most often used as part of the system development process. Due to the close tie between the design of the system and the training required, in most cases it runs alongside the development to capture the training requirements.


Course objective

By the end of this course, participants will be able to identify, and analyse training needs and make decisions required for skills development at the organizational, divisional and individual levels.


Who Should Attend

HR employees who handle TNA Activities.


Course Content

Session 1: Introduction (3.5 hours)

– What is a Training Needs Analysis

– Component of Training Needs Analysis

– Type of Needs Analysis


Learning Activities:

Identify current situation

⇒ Prepare Training Needs Analysis Project Plan


Session 2: Building Effective Training Program (3.5 hours)

– Perform a Need Analysis

– Define the Learning Objective

– Design Suitable Training Intervention


Learning Activities:

Performing Needs Analysis

Identifying Suitable Training Invention


Session 3: Formative and Summative Evaluation  (3.5 hours)

– Formative and Summative Evaluation

– Kirkpatrick/Phillip Evaluation Model

– Measure the Change


Learning Activities:

Identifying assessment tools for Training Evaluation Level 1-4


Session 4: Communicating Needs Analysis Results (3.5 hours)

– Document the Needs Analysis Process and Outcomes

– Prepare Projected Costs, Benefits and ROI

– Develop Training Plan 


Learning Activities:

⇒ Prepare Training ROI

Develop Training Plan


End of Training



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