The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a philosophy developed by Toyota in Japan. All activities are divided into adding value or creating waste. The goal of TPS is to maximize value by eliminating waste and achieving greater business results. This two days training course will provide you with a general overview of the principles and techniques to transform a “traditional” manufacturing organization to a “Lean” organization such as the Toyota Production System.
- What the TPS is, the benefits and key tools and techniques
- Toyota’s philosophy and principles
- What Lean manufacturing is
- The approach and methods used by Toyota to achieve its current market-leader status
Managers, engineers, executives, production and service professionals and personnel who are responsible for the development and implementation of the operational management system.
- This workshop is a mixture of presentation with personal examples, videos, assessment, discussion and group activities.
- Exercises and activities will be carried out throughout the training for better understanding.
Manufacturing Excellence
- Global Environment
- Production System
- Operations Strategy
- The Heart of the TPS: Eliminating Waste
Principles of Toyota Way
- Culture Behind Toyota Way
- Toyota Way in Action
- Long Term Philosophy
- Create Continuous Flow
Pull System
- Leveling Workload
- Get Quality Right the first time
- Standardization of Task
- Use of Visual Control
Developing decisions with Consensus
- Becoming Learning Organization
- Becoming a Learning Organization: Continuous Improvement
- Using Toyota Way for other Organization (Service & Technical)
- Lean Manufacturing
Cultural Issues in Lean
- Overview of Lean implementation
- Significance of Lead time
- Techniques to reduce LT
- Value Stream Mapping