Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) is part of the compliance of Use and Standard of Exposure to Chemical Hazardous to Health (USECHH) Regulations 2000. Under this regulation, the employer is to make a comprehensive assessment of the risk of employees’ exposure to chemical hazardous to health. From the assessment it will enable a decision to be made on appropriate control measure, training to the employees, monitoring and health surveillance activities as may be required to protect the health of employees who may be affected by their activities to chemicals hazardous to health. The purpose of CHRA is to identify and evaluate any health risk associated with work activities involving the use of chemicals and recommend control measure against the risk.
The need for a CHRA is a mandatory requirement under the (USECHH) Regulations 2000. Therefore all companies that use, handle, store and/or transport hazardous chemicals must comply with these regulations. The company must ensure that a registered assessor is appointed to carry out the CHRA. This person can be an employee or any other person who has been registered with the Director General of Occupational Safety and Health to carry out assessments of risks to health.
- Understanding on Chemical Hazard Classification
Understanding on Chemical Classification for Health Hazard - Use and Standard of Exposure to Chemical Hazardous to Health (USECHH) Regulations 2000
- Source of Information for Chemical Hazardous to Health
- Chemical Safety Data Sheet
- Product Labelling
- International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs)
- Roles for CHRA Assessor, Industrial Hygiene Technicians and Occupational Health Doctors
- Roles for the Safety & Health Officer before CHRA
- Gather information about chemicals, work & work practices
- Determine degree of hazards
- Evaluate exposure
- Assess adequacy of control measures