

Course Introduction

This intensive 2-day workshop is designed to guide organisations in formulating a comprehensive digitalization strategy. Through a series of interactive sessions, participants will assess the current digital landscape, identify opportunities and challenges, and develop a strategic roadmap for successful digital transformation. The workshop will foster collaboration and engagement among participants to ensure a unified approach towards digitalization.


Course objective

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Assess the current digital landscape within organisation through SWOT analysis and detailed asset assessment.
  2. Identify key stakeholders, understand their roles, and align their expectations with digitalization efforts.
  3. Prioritize opportunities and challenges related to digitalization, considering stakeholder feedback.
  4. Formulate a clear and inspiring digitalization vision statement and define SMART objectives.
  5. Evaluate existing and potential technologies for their fit with organizational needs.
  6. Develop a comprehensive data strategy considering collection, storage, and privacy compliance.
  7. Identify potential risks and develop a risk management plan, with a focus on cybersecurity.
  8. Create an action plan with defined tasks, responsibilities, and timelines for digitalization initiatives.
  9. Estimate costs, allocate budgets, and prioritize resource allocation for key digital initiatives.
  10. Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework with defined milestones and evaluation criteria.
  11. Plan for effective internal and external communication and address change management strategies.
  12. Present departmental digitalization plans and engage in discussions for collaborative refinement.

Course Content

Day 1: Understanding the Current State

Session 1: Introduction & Icebreaker

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Icebreaker Activity

Session 2: Setting the Stage

  • Overview of Digitalization and its Importance
  • Introduction to Workshop Goals and Objectives

Session 3: Current Digital Landscape Assessment

  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Detailed Assessment of Current Digital Assets and Capabilities

Session 4: Stakeholder Mapping

  • Identify and Prioritize Key Stakeholders
  • Understand their Roles and Expectations

Session 5: Focus Group Discussions (Parallel Sessions)

  • Form Focus Groups with Representatives from Different Departments
  • Discuss Department-Specific Challenges, Needs, and Ideas

Session 6: Vision and Mission Alignment

  • Align Digitalization Goals with Organizational Vision and Mission

Session 7: Opportunity Identification

  • Brainstorm and Prioritize Key Opportunities for Digitalization
  • Consider Stakeholder Feedback from Day 1

Session 8: Challenge Assessment

  • Identify and Prioritize Key Challenges and Barriers to Digitalization
  • Develop Mitigation Strategies

Day 2: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

Session 9: Defining the Digital Vision and Objectives

  • Create a Clear and Inspiring Digitalization Vision Statement
  • Formulate SMART Objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound)

Session 10: Technology Assessment

  • Identify Existing and Potential Technologies
  • Evaluate Fit for Organizational Needs

Session 11: Action Planning

  • Define Tasks, Responsibilities, and Timelines
  • Allocate Resources

Session 12: Budgeting and Resource Allocation

  • Estimate Costs and Budget Requirements
  • Allocate Budget to Key Initiatives

Session 13: Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Develop Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
  • Define Milestones and Evaluation Criteria

Session 14: Communication and Change Management

  • Plan for Internal and External Communication
  • Address Change Management Strategies

Session 15: Final Presentation and Wrap-Up

  • Each Department Presents Their Digitalization Plans
  • Q&A and Next Steps


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