An environmental aspect is defined in ISO 14001:2015 as an element of an organization’s activities, products or services that may impact, or does impact, the environment. An environmental impact is a result of an environmental aspect.
So, what exactly does this mean? In simpler terms, an environmental aspect is anything that happens within your organization that interacts with the environment, which means it and has a potential environmental impact. This encompasses both negative and positive interactions with the environment. Many people focus on the negative, but it is important to remember that anything that has a positive effect also matters, for example, recycling, or planting trees. All in all, it is important for your organization and your EMS to identify all of the aspects – both negative and positive.
This Risk Management: Environmental Aspects & Impacts training is developed for Industries to fulfill the legislative requirement under EQA 1974. By having knowledge on this Environmental regulation in Malaysia legal framework will make the employee and employer understand their roles and duty to protect the environment. This module was developed in a basic understanding in order to give awareness among employees and employer, particularly those who deal with Environmental issues, eg. Internal EMS Auditor. This program will allow them in conducting Aspect & Impact activities in a more efficient way.
- To identify environmental, occupational safety and health laws, regulations and other requirements linked to XXXX Sdn Bhd’s daily activities.
- To introduce the regulatory framework of Malaysia (EQA 1974 and others) and the influence of other international treaties on the direction of Malaysian legislation
- To understand the definition of Environmental Aspect
- To understand and implement the method of Aspect & Impact
- To understand the consideration of factors in deciding tolerable & intolerable risk
Company Internal Auditor, SHE Committee and SHE rep.
Informative lectures reinforced by PowerPoint presentation, videos, site assessment, workshop and group discussion
The course will take ONE day training to complete the programme [see attached training programme]
- Introduction to Environmental Aspect & Impact
- Aspect & Impact with Environmental Risk Assessment
- Aspect & Impact with Environmental Control
- Exercise 1
- Aspect & Impact Documentation Workshop
- Exercise 2
- Preparation on Objective & Target Plan
- Preparation on Environmental Management Plan (EMP)