From the national perspective, the importance of energy conservation (EC) cannot be overemphasized. The benefits of energy conservation are significant to the nation’s economy and performance in the management of its environment. Improving energy efficiency will lead to significant cost-savings and there by improving competitiveness. Energy conservation activities will also help to conserve the usage of the nation’s limited natural resources and at the same time reduce the negative environmental impacts. The implementation of energy efficiency (EE) programs will focus on energy-saving features in the industrial and commercial sectors. In this regard, EE features in buildings and establishing comprehensive energy management systems will be encouraged. In addition, the industrial sector will be encouraged to implement EE measures including improvements in the plant, equipment, and processes.
This course is industry designed, to provide a broad understanding of the improvement methodology, concepts, and process. The methodology is presented with case studies and examples drawn from service, business processes, and manufacturing applications. With a heavy practice orientation, as much as a third of your time will be spent working through interactive practical exercises and assessments. This course is designed as an introduction to concepts and methodology.
- The latest educational methods and strategies will be utilized.
- The course is designed to maximize delegate participation.
- Questions & answers are encouraged throughout and at the daily wrap-up sessions. This gives participants the opportunity to discuss with others and the presenter their specific problems and appropriate solutions.
- The course shall be conducted through lectures, case studies, group discussions & exercises to reinforce participants’ learning.
- The course consists of formal content presentation interspersed with content quiz sessions.
- The presenter’s style involves intensive participant participation.
“Fully occupied time with precision case studies”
….. Senior Customer Service Manager, Tenaga Nasional Berhad
“Satisfied, learn a lot of Energy Saving”
….. Chargeman, Hoya Electronics Sdn Bhd
“Good course for improving knowledge”
….. Plant Maintenance Engineer, Sony (EMCS) Sdn Bhd
“Good case study with discussion on the solution to the problems”
….. Facility Manager, Dynacraft Industries Sdn Bhd
- Introduction
- Guidelines on Equipment Energy Efficiency
- Types of Transformers
- Parts of Transformers
- Types of Transformer Losses
- Guidelines on Selection of Transformers
- Guidelines on Efficient Utilization of Transformers
- Target Standard Values
- Guidelines On Best Practice in Design and Operation of Power Transformers
- Operational Aspects
- Maintenance Aspects
- Guidelines on System Design & Chiller Selection
- Cooling Load Estimates
- System Diversity and Operating Regimes
- Types of Chillers
- Chiller Selection Criteria
- Equipment (Chiller) Energy Efficiency Rating
- Guideline for Best Practice
- Guidelines for Operation and Monitoring
- Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance
- Case study 1: Installation of automatic controllers to improve energy efficiency of chillers in a hotel
- Case study 2: Replacement with energy-efficient chillers
Cooling Towers
- Guidelines on System Design & Equipment (Cooling Tower) Selection
- System Diversity
- Types of Cooling Towers
- Cooling Tower Selection Criteria
- Equipment (Cooling Towers) Energy Efficiency Ratings
- Guidelines for Best Practices
- Guidelines for Operation and Monitoring
- Operation
- Monitoring
- Weekly Checklist
- Guideline for Inspection and Maintenance
- Recommended Inspection and Maintenance Schedule
- Case Study 1
- Case Study 2
- Suggested Methods of Energy Savings for Cooling Towers
- Guideline on Equipment Energy Efficiency
- Motor selection
- High Efficiency Motor
- Efficiency Classification
- Efficiency Testing Requirements
- Energy and Cost-Saving Potential
- Cost Premium for High Efficiency Motors
- Savings in Running Cost
- Motor Sizing
- What to Consider When Selecting a Motor
- How to Estimate the Efficiency of Existing Motors
- Guideline for Best Practice
- Operation and Maintenance
- Proper Commissioning
- Maintenance Records
- Motor Set-up and Alignment
- Motor Cleaning
- Motor Lubrication and Bearing Maintenance
- Motor Condition Assessment
- Electrical Performance Assessment
- Switching Off When Not Needed
- Reducing Motor Loads
- Slowing Down Loads for Pumps and Fans
- Motor Repair
- Decision to Replace or Repair the Failed Motor
- Other Factors Affecting Choice between Replace and Repair
- Variable Speed Drives
- Best Practice Guides
- Case study on payback estimates on buying a new high efficiency motor (HEM) compared to repairing a standard motor
- Approximate frequency of motor inspection and testing
- Case study 1: Energy Savings by retrofitting
Fans and Blowers
- Types of Fans used in the HVAC Industry
- Centrifugal fans
- Axial flow fans
- Fan selection criteria
- Fan performance
- Equipment (fan) energy efficiency ratings
- Guidelines for Best Practice
- Guidelines for Operation and Monitoring
- Weekly Checklist
- Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance
- Recommended maintenance schedules
- Case Study 1: Energy Savings by Retrofitting VSD to an AHU Fan for a Hotel Lobby Application
- Case Study 2: Replacement of an Industrial Drying Fan
- Suggested Methods of Energy Savings that will Reduce Fan Loads
- Overview of Good Design and Management Practices
- Design
- Selection of pumps
- Pump efficiency
- Piping systems
- Analysing existing pumping system effectiveness for improvement opportunities
- Achieving lower energy consumption with lower head requirements
- Impeller diameter change
- Variable Speed Drives
- Guidelines for Best Practice
- Maintenance and Operation Management
- Avoiding cavitation
- Avoid air ingestion
- Checking for Piping Losses
- Varying Pump Performance
- Maintenance
- Example of Best Practice for Pumps
- Maintenance Notes and Other Considerations for Pump Users
- Energy-savings – Example 1
- Energy-savings – Example 2
Air Compressors
- Compressor Types
- Compressor Selection Guide
- Compressed Air System Design
- Guideline on Best Practices
- Potentially Inappropriate Uses of Compressed Air
- Managing Compressed Air System Leaks
- Methods in measuring magnitude of air leakage rate
- Leak detection and repair program
- Potential leak areas
- Repair programs and fixing leaks
- Managing Pressure Drop and Controlling System Pressure
- What causes a pressure drop?
- Minimizing pressure drops
- Maintaining Compressed Air Dryness
- Maintenance of Compressed Air Systems to Maintain Equipment Efficiency
- Management / System Operators / System Owner’s Role
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Compressed Air System Surge
- Case study
- Guide to comparison of Centralised and Decentralised Systems
- Types of lighting
- Lighting Design Criteria
- Luminous environment
- Luminance distribution
- Illuminance
- Recommended illuminance at the task area
- Scale of illuminance
- Illuminances of immediate surroundings
- Uniformity
- Colour aspects
- Colour appearance
- Colour rendering
- Daylight
- General Principles of Efficient Lighting Practice
- Guidelines for Best Practice
- Maintenance
- Determination of Lighting Efficiency
- Minimum Allowable Values of Luminous Efficacy for Various Types of Lamps
- Schedule of interior (area) tasks and activities with specifications of illuminance, glare limitation and colour quality
- Case study
Question and Answer Session before ending of 2-days Workshop