

This course will provide managers and executives with the legally compliant training needed to respond appropriately to allegations of favoritism, discrimination and harassment and mitigate the risk of legal action being taken against them or their organisation.

This course complements general aspects of the subject matter training, building on definitions and legislative context that would typically be covered in such training.

The course uses a range of likely workplace scenarios and interactive decision points to demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviour



Upon completion of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the Malaysian laws & Compliance standards relating to favoritism, discrimination and harassment and its due legal process in the event of a law suit
  • Identify their rights and responsibilities as an employee
  • Identify the types of behavior commonly covered by an employer’policy.
  • Recognize that a single incident can lead to favoritism, discrimination and harrassment
  • Recognize that harassment can occur away from the workplace
  • That intent is irrelevant
  • Recognize your responsibilities as an employee
  • Identify actions to avoid so that you don’t engage in unacceptable or unwelcome behavior
  • Respond appropriately if you are confronted with employer’s adverse behavior.
  • Identify the need to take a proactive stance to prevent favoritism, discrimination and harassment.
  • Outline the importance of the complaint / grievance process
  • Explain how to deal with formal and informal complaints.



  • 1 Day



  • Highly Interactive Session, with a bilateral approach to the subject matter allowing participants to share incidences at respective work locations.
  • Short Video Presentation
  • Mind Mapping and Recap Sessions
  • Extensive Role Play Sessions Based on Given Scenarios & Group Activities
  • Energizers



Creating a harassment and discrimination free workplace

  • Employee responsibilities
    • Illustrates the fact that all employees have a role to play in avoiding and preventing discrimination & harassment in the workplace.


  • Acceptable behaviour
    • Looks at the issue of what is ‘acceptable behaviour’, giving several examples of situations and behaviours that commonly cause problems in the area of discrimination & harassment.


  • Responding to harassment and discrimination
    • Considers the issue of how one should respond to unwanted conduct from the view of the victim, the harasser / perpetrator, and supervisors/managers/employers.


Harassment, Discrimination and the law

  • Manager responsibilities
    • Managers have a frontline role in preventing, combating, and dealing with discrimination & harassment. This section introduces some of their particular responsibilities in the workplace.


  • Discrimination (Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Capabilities / Incapabilities)
    • Outlines the various laws that operate in Malaysia that cover or include discrimination and/or harassment provisions.
      • Social Accountability Standard 8000 (SA 8000) Standard
      • Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Harassment
      • Employment Act


  • The legal process
    • Explains how the legal process operates, and the steps involved in resolving a harassment / discrimination complain through legal channels.


  • Employer liability
    • Explains how employers may be held accountable for harassment / discrimination incidents under the legal principle of ‘vicarious liability’.


Favoritism at Workplace

Favoritism is defined as a biased inclination towards a particular individual / group of people for a specific reason or personal interest.

Case Studies and examples

The compliance required to prevent favoritism

  • Statutory
  • Global and Industry Standards
  • Social Compliance


Setting of internal standards and practices to prevent

  • Hiring Metrics
  • Selection Metrics
  • Performance Management Plan
  • Consequence Management Plan
  • Grievance Process / Procedure


Introduction to sexual harassment

  • Harassment and sexual harassment
    • Examines the questions ‘What is harassment?’ and ‘What is sexual harassment?’, and provides a comprehensive definition of harassment with a particular focus on harassment in the workplace.


  • Sexual harassment laws
    • Explains the sexual harassment laws in Malaysia, what kinds of things are covered, where the laws apply, and how they are enforced.


  • Rights and responsibilities
    • Looks at the issue of when actions constitute sexual harassment, promoting an awareness of how each person is responsible for their behaviour and for considering how their behaviour may be perceived by or impact on others. Discusses the concept of ‘unwelcome behaviour’.


  • Workplace policies
    • Discusses workplace policies and what is normally covered by those policies.


Understanding Sexual Harassment

  • Types of sexual harassment
    • Introduces the two main classes of sexual harassment encountered in the workplace: quid pro quo harassment and hostile working environment.


  • Single incidents
    • Reinforces the point that a single incident can constitute sexual harassment.


  • Sexual harassment outside the workplace
    • Employees must be aware that sexual harassment can occur outside the physical environment of the workplace and outside of normal working hours or a normal work context.


  • Intent
    • It is essential for employees to understand that harassment can occur even if there is no intention on the part of the harasser.


Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace

  • Proactive prevention
    • Looks at what can be done to proactively prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, and why it is important to consider proactive prevention.


  • The complaints process
    • Illustrates the need for companies to have a well documented and well communicated sexual harassment policy, and to incorporate an effective complaints handling process within that policy.


  • Handling complaints
    • Comprehensively introduces the key types of complaint that may be encountered in an organisation, and provides some guidance on how to handle different complaints. Considers the difference between informal and formal complaint procedures


Critical Communication

Outlines methods of communication to be deployed by employers and peers in deployment, delegation, reprimand and counselling to prevent risk of being cited for harassment, discrimination and favoritism.

  • Encoding
  • Decoding
  • Active Listening
  • Mode and method of communication

Group Activity and Role Play on the above.



  1. Fill in the form below and submit to us.
  2. Initiate a conversation via live chat on the bottom left of our website by stating: “Hi, my name is [your-name], Ive already submitted the form for this training.”
  3. Well promptly reach out to you regarding the training youre interested in.